Pokémon Base Set Prices in 2025: What Are Your Cards Worth?

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The Pokémon Base Set, released in 1999, remains one of the most iconic trading card collections of all time. Over two decades later, these 102 classic cards have become treasures for collectors and investors alike. But how much are they worth in 2025?

Whether you’re a seasoned collector looking to assess your collection or a newcomer curious about this legendary set, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about current prices.

Why Are Base Set Cards So Valuable?

The Pokémon Base Set has stood the test of time, appealing to fans of all ages. Here’s why it remains highly sought after:

  • Nostalgia and Passion Rediscovered: Many collectors who grew up with Pokémon are rediscovering their love for the franchise. Now adults with expendable income, they’re investing in the cards they once cherished.
  • Scarcity of Mint Condition Cards: Cards in pristine, near-mint condition are harder to find, driving up their value significantly.
  • Timeless Fan Favorites: Iconic cards like Charizard, Blastoise, and Pikachu continue to fuel the demand among collectors and fans alike.

How to Check Pokémon Base Set Prices

Use these trusted platforms to stay up-to-date on the latest market trends:

  • TCGplayer: Get the latest prices for cards in the U.S.
  • Cardmarket: Find current values for cards in Europe.
  • eBay: Explore live auctions and snag deals on rare cards.

Pokémon Base Set Price Table

The table below lists near-mint condition prices for all English Unlimited cards from the Pokémon Base Set. These values are a great starting point for understanding the market in 2025.

NumberCardRarityPrice (Europe)Price (US)
1AlakazamRare Holo€ 40.00$55.00
2BlastoiseRare Holo€ 100.00$160.00
3ChanseyRare Holo€ 25.00$30.00
4CharizardRare Holo€ 350.00$450.00
5ClefairyRare Holo€ 25.00$25.00
6GyaradosRare Holo€ 25.00$35.00
7HitmonchanRare Holo€ 15.00$20.00
8MachampRare Holo€ 20.00$15.00
9MagnetonRare Holo€ 20.00$20.00
10MewtwoRare Holo€ 30.00$40.00
11NidokingRare Holo€ 30.00$25.00
12NinetalesRare Holo€ 15.00$25.00
13PoliwrathRare Holo€ 25.00$20.00
14RaichuRare Holo€ 40.00$45.00
15VenusaurRare Holo€ 115.00$120.00
16ZapdosRare Holo€ 45.00$40.00
17BeedrillRare€ 4.00$3.00
18DragonairRare€ 15.00$13.50
19DugtrioRare€ 10.00$5.00
20ElectabuzzRare€ 10.00$7.00
21ElectrodeRare€ 7.50$6.00
22PidgeottoRare€ 12.50$8.00
23ArcanineUncommon€ 4.00$2.50
24CharmeleonUncommon€ 2.00$1.00
25DewgongUncommon€ 5.00$2.00
26DratiniUncommon€ 2.50$1.00
27Farfetch’dUncommon€ 0.50$1.00
28GrowlitheUncommon€ 1.00$1.00
29HaunterUncommon€ 1.50$1.00
30IvysaurUncommon€ 3.50$2.50
31JynxUncommon€ 1.00$1.00
32KadabraUncommon€ 2.00$1.00
33KakunaUncommon€ 1.00$1.00
34MachokeUncommon€ 0.50$0.75
35MagikarpUncommon€ 2.50$2.00
36MagmarUncommon€ 3.00$2.00
37NidorinoUncommon€ 4.00$1.75
38PoliwhirlUncommon€ 1.00$1.25
39PorygonUncommon€ 2.00$1.75
40RaticateUncommon€ 3.50$1.50
41SeelUncommon€ 1.50$0.75
42WartortleUncommon€ 2.00$2.50
43AbraCommon€ 0.50$0.65
44BulbasaurCommon€ 2.00$1.75
45CaterpieCommon€ 1.00$1.00
46CharmanderCommon€ 1.00$2.00
47DiglettCommon€ 0.25$0.50
48DoduoCommon€ 1.00$1.00
49DrowzeeCommon€ 0.50$0.50
50GastlyCommon€ 0.50$0.50
51KoffingCommon€ 0.15$0.50
52MachopCommon€ 0.15$0.35
53MagnemiteCommon€ 0.50$0.50
54MetapodCommon€ 1.00$0.65
55Nidoran♂Common€ 0.25$0.50
56OnixCommon€ 0.25$0.50
57PidgeyCommon€ 0.25$1.00
58PikachuCommon€ 4.00$2.75
59PoliwagCommon€ 0.40$0.50
60PonytaCommon€ 0.20$0.35
61RattataCommon€ 0.15$0.65
62SandshrewCommon€ 0.50$0.60
63SquirtleCommon€ 3.00$3.00
64StarmieCommon€ 0.50$0.50
65StaryuCommon€ 0.25$0.35
66TangelaCommon€ 0.50$0.75
67VoltorbCommon€ 1.50$1.00
68VulpixCommon€ 0.50$0.60
69WeedleCommon€ 0.25$0.50
70Clefairy DollRare€ 7.50$4.00
71Computer SearchRare€ 4.00$3.00
72Devolution SprayRare€ 7.00$3.00
73Imposter Professor OakRare€ 6.00$3.50
74Item FinderRare€ 9.00$11.00
75LassRare€ 4.00$2.50
76Pokémon BreederRare€ 8.00$5.50
77Pokémon TraderRare€ 7.00$4.00
78Scoop UpRare€ 9.00$6.50
79Super Energy RemovalRare€ 2.50$2.50
80DefenderUncommon€ 1.00$1.00
81Energy RetrievalUncommon€ 0.50$0.40
82Full HealUncommon€ 1.00$0.60
83MaintenanceUncommon€ 3.00$1.40
84PlusPowerUncommon€ 0.70$0.50
85Pokémon CenterUncommon€ 2.00$1.85
86Pokémon FluteUncommon€ 3.50$2.00
87PokédexUncommon€ 0.50$0.35
88Professor OakUncommon€ 0.50$1.35
89ReviveUncommon€ 4.00$1.60
90Super PotionUncommon€ 0.20$0.25
91BillCommon€ 0.10$0.30
92Energy RemovalCommon€ 0.20$0.30
93Gust of WindCommon€ 0.15$0.25
94PotionCommon€ 0.10$0.20
95SwitchCommon€ 0.15$0.30
96Double Colorless EnergyUncommon€ 10.00$5.00
97Fighting EnergyCommon€ 0.10$0.20
98Fire EnergyCommon€ 0.10$0.30
99Grass EnergyCommon€ 0.10$0.25
100Lightning EnergyCommon€ 0.15$0.40
101Psychic EnergyCommon€ 0.15$0.40
102Water EnergyCommon€ 0.10$0.30
Total€ 1,136.35$1,285.20

Note: Prices are for near-mint English Unlimited cards and may vary depending on seller location and market availability.

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